capa do livro

The Vulnerabilities of the Brazilian Health Industrial Complex

Industrial and Technological Health Policies

Lia Hasenclever, Julia Paranhos, Gabriela Chaves e Maria Auxiliadora Oliveira (orgs.)


Presentation 5

Introduction 17

Evaluation of technological capability and learning strategies
for biological drug production in the pharmaceutical industry 23

Ricardo Lobato Torres
Lia Hasenclever
Thiago Cavalcante Nascimento

Potentials And Vulnerabilities Of The Interaction Between Companies And Scientific And Technological Institutions
In The Pharmaceutical Sector: The Actors’ View 51

Julia Paranhos
Fernanda Steiner Perin
Bruna Cataldo
Thiago Moreira

The Phytotherapy Industry: Challenges and Opportunities Associated with the Use of Biodiversity 73

Lia Hasenclever
Cíntia Reis Costa
Julia Paranhos
Gabriel Cunha
Diego Vieira

The Medical, Hospital, and Dental Equipment
and Material Industry: Characterization and Development 99

Lia Hasenclever
Rosa Dória
Eduardo Mercadante
Caroline Miranda
Vitor Pimentel

Clusters and Innovation: Case studies of
two pharmaceutical agglomerations 139

Eduardo Braz Pereira Gomes
Lia Hasenclever
Julia Paranhos

Government strategies to reduce the price of drugs
in monopoly markets: local production and
overcoming patent barriers 179

Gabriela Costa Chaves
Maria Auxiliadora Oliveira

Strengths and weaknesses of models for the supply
and financing of drugs 209

Vera Lucia Luiza
Rondineli Mendes da Silva
Leonardo Vidal Mattos
Ligia Bahia

Institutional arrangements in equipment dependent
services for the diagnosis and therapy of cardiovascular
disease: a study of the North and Northwest regions
of the State of Rio de Janeiro 247

Maria de Fátima Siliansky
Lia Hasenclever
André Luís Almeida Peixoto

Main proposals for legislative amendments related
to the Health Industrial Complex 271

Marcela Fogaça Vieira

Authors and Coauthors 305

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Interlocuções de pesquisas acadêmicas

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Tempos, Ideias e Lugares

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O desenvolvimento em questão

Lia Hasenclever e Yves-A. Fauré (orgs.)