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E-papers have, in its catalog, the following books in English language:

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R$ 6,21
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Applied Numerical Analysis with Mathematica 176 21x29,7 36,00 6,42 5,80 36,00 6,42 5,80
Computational heat and mass transfer – CHMT 2001- Vol. I 410 19x27 60,00 10,70 9,66 30,00 5,35 4,83
Computational heat and mass transfer – CHMT 2001- Vol. II 390 19x27 60,00 10,70 9,66 30,00 5,35 4,83
Convective Heat Transfer in Ducts 348 21x29,7 45,00 8,02 7,25 22,50 4,01 3,62
Inverse Problems in Engineering - vol I 460 19x27 68,00 12,12 10,95 34,00 6,06 5,48
Inverse Problems in Engineering - vol II 470 19x27 68,00 12,12 10,95 34,00 6,06 5,48
Inverse Problems, Design and Optimization - vol. 1 364 19x27 89,00 15,86 14,33 44,50 7,93 7,17
Inverse Problems, Design and Optimization - vol 2 354 19x27 87,00 15,51 14,01 43,50 7,75 7,00
New Digital Media: Audiovisual, Games and Music 160 14x21 27,00 4,81 4,35 13,50 2,41 2,17
On the Foundations of Science (BOOK AND DVD) 294 14x21 61,00 10,87 9,82 - - -
On the Foundations of Science (BOOK) 294 14x21 43,00 7,66 6,92 21,50 3,83 3,46
On the Foundations of Science (DVD) - 14x14 22,00 3,92 3,54 - - -
Transpersonal Management: lessons from the Matrix trilogy 236 14x21 36,00 6,42 5,80 18,00 3,21 2,90
Biomat I: Proceedings of the First Brazilian Symposium on Mathematical and Computational Biology 320 14x21 37,00 6,60 5,96 18,50 3,30 2,98
Biomat II: Proceedings of the Second Brazilian Symposium on Mathematical and Computational Biology 446 14x21 49,00 8,73 7,89 24,50 4,37 3,95
Biomat III volume 1: Proc. of the Third Brazilian Symp. on Mathematical and Computational Biology – v1 454 14x21 59,00 10,52 9,50 29,50 5,26 4,75
Biomat III volume 2: Proc. of the Third Brazilian Symp. on Mathematical and Computational Biology – v2 391 14x21 53,00 9,45 8,53 26,50 4,72 4,27
Biomat IV volume 1: Proc. of the Fourth Brazilian Symp. on Mathematical and Computational Biology – v1 387 14x21 53,00 9,45 8,53 26,50 4,72 4,27
Biomat IV volume 2: Proc. of the Fourth Brazilian Symp. on Mathematical and Computational Biology – v2 396 14x21 54,00 9,63 8,70 27,00 4,81 4,35
Biomat V : Proc. of the 2005 International Symposium on Mathematical and Computational Biology 374 14x21 52,00 9,27 8,37 26,00 4,63 4,19
Biomat Collection 6 books 14x21 259,25 46,21 41,75 129,63 23,11 20,87

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